Eintritt: 10,00 € (ermäßigt 8,00€)
Arrival by car:
Follow the A215 direction Kiel and take the exit "Ostuferhafen". Stay on the Theodor-Heuss Ring direction "Ostuferhafen" and take the exit "Ostuferhafen/Fachhochschule".
Shortly after the Jet petrol station on the right hand side, the left lane leads through the underpass in the direction of "Ostuferhafen/Fachhochschule/Mediendom". From there simply follow the signs to "Mediendom".
Arrival by bus & ferry:
You can reach the Mediendom at any time by bus line 11. It is best to get off at the bus stop "Fachhochschule". On Mondays - Fridays you can also take the express bus line 60S. Then get off at "Grenzsstraße".
On Mondays - Fridays you can also take the Schwentine ferry F2 from Reventlou.
For private travel by bus, there is a bus parking lot available on the campus of the Kiel University of Applied Sciences. This is only a few minutes' walk away on Schwentinestrasse.
Busparkplätze: 1
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Kiel-Marketing e. V. / GmbH
Quelle: Kiel-Marketing e. V. / GmbH destination.one
Organisation: Kiel-Marketing e. V. / GmbH
Zuletzt geändert am 27.11.2024
ID: e_100220304