Kaleidoscope Dialogues present: Diversity in action.

Kommunikationszentrum Hansastrasse 48 e. V., Hansastraße 48, 24118 Kiel

An evening of engaging talks & discussion about diversity & its role/impact in our lives

Through an interdisciplinary approach, we’ll explore how different societies have understood and represented diversity in their stories, languages, and traditions. From ancient texts to modern literature, we’ll uncover how language reflects cultural attitudes toward inclusion and how these perspectives can inspire us today. This event is open to everyone, whether you're a literature enthusiast, a diversity advocate, or simply curious about how the past informs the present. Language: English.


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Kiel-Marketing e. V. / GmbH

Lizenz (Stammdaten)
Marlene Bruhn

Quelle: Marlene Bruhn destination.one

Organisation: Kiel-Marketing e. V. / GmbH

Zuletzt geändert am 21.01.2025

ID: e_100971072

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