Cakes and Concerts!

Kommunikationszentrum Hansastrasse 48 e. V., Hansastraße 48, 24118 Kiel
Konzert Kultur

Konzert und Kuchen in der Hansa48

Neben Ohrenschmaus von den Irnini Mons (IndieNoiseGrungePop aus Frankreich) gibt es ein veganes Kuchen / Leckereien Buffet 

French rock outfit Irnini Mons approach post-punk in an oblique, candid way. With the intent of contributing to the relevancy of modern guitar-based music, they put their four personas at work since 2021 to craft a mixed, diverse solution of indie, progressive, pop and grungy rock. Formed with ex-members of the former punk band Decibelles (endorsed by the legendary producer Steve Albini), the four musicians all sing, sometimes in solo, sometimes in polyphony, always in French. After touring intensely in several European countries, including a run with Shellac in 2022 and prestigious festivals (Trans Musicales de Rennes, MENT Ljubljana), the band is releasing its first full-length album "Une habitante touchée par une météorite".


Eintritt: 12,- VVK (zzgl. Gebühren bei Tix for Gigs) // 15,- AK - Kuchen gegen Spende.


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Kiel-Marketing e. V. / GmbH

Lizenz (Stammdaten)
Marlene Bruhn

Quelle: Marlene Bruhn

Organisation: Kiel-Marketing e. V. / GmbH

Zuletzt geändert am 21.01.2025

ID: e_100971081

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