Viewing Platform Kiel Canal

Maklerstraße 1, 24159 Kiel
Look-out Historical Site Point of Interest public toilet

From the lock observation platform you can watch the big ships at close quarters


The lock viewing platform is located on the south side of the canal (Kiel-Wik) and can be visited from sunrise to sunset. From the platform you ll have a direct view of the Kiel Canal with the fascinating Holtenau locks and the Holtenau high bridge. Experience live how small sailing boats pass the lock next to large cargo and cruise ships as they enter and leave the canal. 

The viewing platform is located right above the lock gate, on top of a gate bunker from the Second World War. The bunker covers lock gate chamber No. 4, and from here you can see how ships are channelled and how the lock gate opens and closes.

Numerous information boards provide interesting background information about the history of the former Kaiser-Wilhelm Canal, which was opened in 1895, as well as about the function and events surrounding the world's busiest artificial waterway. The Kiel Canal is almost 100 km long and connects the North Sea with the Baltic Sea.


Viewing Platform Kiel Canal

Maklerstraße 1, 24159 Kiel


Kiel-Marketing e.V.
Andreas-Gayk-Str. 31, 24103 Kiel

Mit dem Linienbus 11 (Haltestelle Kiel Wik-Kanal) oder mit dem Auto: Fahren Sie vom Zentrum kommend Richtung Nord-Ostsee-Kanal, Hafen und folgen Sie der braunen Beschilderung ‚Besichtigungsplattform Wik‘.

Von Sonnenaufgang bis Sonnenuntergang

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Simply scan code with your smartphone or paste the link into your web browser:

Kiel-Marketing e. V. / GmbH
Andreas-Gayk-Str. 31B - Neues Rathaus
24103 Kiel


Kiel-Marketing e. V. / GmbH

Kiel-Marketing e. V. / GmbH

Source: Kiel-Marketing e. V. / GmbH

Organisation: Kiel-Marketing e. V. / GmbH

Last changed on 27.06.2024

ID: p_100045659

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